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Reflective Supervision Guide

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Reflective Supervision Guide

A guide from Region X to Enhance Reflective Practice Among Home Visitors

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Mother and Baby on Floor
Narrated Overview

​Narrated Overview 

Image by Hannah Busing. Five Women place their hands together in a circle.
About RS Guide

About the Reflective Supervision Guide

Region X Innovation. Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington growing together to support our home visiting workforce.

WA-AIMH is proud to announce the publication of Reflective Supervision: A Guide from Region X to Enhance Reflective Practice Among Home Visiting Programs. This set of guidelines provides a framework and shared language for reflective supervision/consultation (RSC) that are designed to support all reflective practice in the region. Self-assessment tools are included to promote the ongoing professional development of home visitors, supervisors, and programs.

Funding from the Region X Innovation Grant (Growing Together to Support Our Home Visiting Workforce) and a collaboration between Washington's Department of Children, Youth, and Families and the Infant Mental Health Associations of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, with Jacqui Van Horn from New Mexico as the Reflective Specialist, supported the development of these guidelines.

The WA-AIMH team is happy to answer questions or set up consultation services to help your team explore incorporate reflective practices with families and within the professional staff. 

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